Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Ric, Derek, and I have been having a wonderful time together while I've had off for mid-winter break. One of the highlights was going to Kopachuck State Park. What an amazing place, where we were able to observe nature, throw rocks in the water, and take a hike on the pebbly beach! Also, we spent a great deal of time at Pt. Defiance Park where we watched the sun set through the trees. On one occasion I told Derek to look at the orange through the trees, and I said, "AWESOME!" Derek replied immediately with "AMAZING!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tiffany, Ric and Derek,
What great pictures!!!! They bring a smile to our faces. We remember our stay in January and all of the fun we had...particularly with Derek. He is one great KID! We miss you all, but are so looking forward to June. Give our "LOVE BUG" a big hug and kiss from us.!!
Grandma and Grandpa H

Wed Mar 05, 04:35:00 PM  

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