Saturday, January 02, 2010

What a trip! Highlights: WALL-E, hand dryers at a rest stop, Zamora, 4 star hotel, cookies, blue and green candles, chasing a rooster and waves, half a zoo, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins, oh my, candy smiles, goo, Christmas, fried turkey, first bike, Opapa in our hearts forever, feathers of a pelican, wine tasting, sand crab, beach, snow ball fight, long journey, and finally, safe at home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We so enjoyed you here in California. Ric the turkey still tasted wonderful with the spices you used. Tiff, I hope you enjoy your Great Grandma's ring. She would have loved you. Derek it was 75 degees here today and all we could think about is how much you would have enjoyed the fountain. Much love, Grandpa and Grandma

Mon Jan 04, 05:10:00 PM  

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