Friday, March 14, 2008

Derek is growing by leaps and bounds and talking up a storm! Here are a few new pictures of our love!

Here is Derek having a great time at Wright Park near our home! It was his first time climbing up this type of ladder!

Ric, Derek, and I enjoy going to the conservatory at Wright Park. It is an amazing place! Derek really loves the fish.


Blogger Sherry Roberts said...

Was this where Ric was when he called me last week? It's beautiful. Love you three, Mom

Tue Mar 18, 05:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grandma and Grandpa H can't wait to teach you to put wiggly worms on a fishingpole and catch our own fish. Derek we miss you our "love bug"! Can't wait to play with you and also see your mom and dad too!
Love, GM and GP

Tue Mar 25, 09:19:00 PM  

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